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From the College of Natural Sciences

David Vanden Bout is the dean and a professor of chemistry in the College of Natural Sciences.

Finals Week

Dear Students, I have only two quick items to pass on for finals week. 1.  Today was Fall Commencement! (“Graduation” for those not familiar with academic lingo.)  What a great day of celebration.  Congratulations to our all of our CNS graduates.  You should be proud of all you have accomplished at UT and on the successful com...

Last Week‏

Dear Students, I hope that everyone was revitalized by a few days off for Thanksgiving.  Judging by the dwindling numbers of people on campus Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday last week, I suspect some of you took more than a couple days off.  I hope that you used the time to enjoy friends and family, to rest and relax, and to ease some of ...

Thanksgiving Week

Dear Students, Many of us will leave campus this week to visit with family or friends for the Thanksgiving holiday.  After a long semester with few (if any breaks) it will be a welcome respite.  It comes unfortunately very near the end of the semester.  It is easy to let up on studying right when your learning should be hitting its ...

Press On

Dear Students, It has gotten to be that time of year.  The true grind of the semester is upon us.  Work is piling up.  The weather has become darker, wetter, and colder.  And sometimes it seems appealing to huddle in bed rather than tackling the challenge of the rest of the term.  That is why I was pleased to be reminded ...

What is in a degree?

Dear Students, There was a time when a large fraction of all of the chemistry research in the world took place in Germany or Russia.  As a consequence, when I earned my B.S. in Chemistry, the degree required I take a year of either German or Russian.  This was considered essential, as chemists needed to be able to read the chemistry lite...

Teach and Learn

Dear Students, I remember the first time I had to teach Physical Chemistry I (CH353).  I was worried.  It had been more than a few years since I had taken this course as an undergraduate.  Despite the fact that in this course I received the highest final grade of any class during my four years in college, I didn’t really r...

Thank Someone

Top of the email invitation  NSC Town Hall on Career Services (and the Health Professions Office) Monday 10/27 5pm-6pm WCH 1.120    Dear Students, This past weekend was Family Weekend, and it had me reflecting on the people who have helped me over the years:  from high school teachers who put in extra time and effort to bette...

Come Prepared

Dear Students, I remember one of the first times I went to meet with a faculty member as an undergraduate. I had some questions that I needed answered, and “office hours” were the time set aside that I had access to the professor.  So I went, with some trepidation, to see Dr. Pellem Wilder to ask a question about organic chemistry.  I do...

Natural Sciences Week

Dear Students, It is about half way through the fall semester.  Whether you are a new student or this is your last year at UT, it is surprising how fast time can move while you are here. Before you know it, you will be graduating.  So while you should be focused on your academics, don’t let time slip away before you have a chance to purs...

It's a New World

Dear Students, Today I was thinking about the start of my senior year in college.  It was 25 years ago and it is remarkable how much has changed.  I was a chemistry major and I was fairly certain I wanted to go to graduate school.  Not only was I set on chemistry graduate school, but I had settled on “p-chem,” physical chemistry.&nb...