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From the College of Natural Sciences

David Vanden Bout is the dean and a professor of chemistry in the College of Natural Sciences.

Back to Work

Dear Students, Time to get back to work. And back to studying. Did you have big spring break plans where you were going to use that time to get ahead? Did you not progress quite as much as you had planned? Don't spend your time worrying about what you should have, could have, would have done. Just get back to work. Do you have a favorite ...

Before Spring Break

Dear Students, There is that feeling in the air. The weather can't decide between rain or 85°F. It must be close to Spring Break. First, it is not Spring Break yet! You have to wait until the end of the week to take off. It's only Monday. Keep studying. Knock out those mid-term exams. Finish those lab reports. Crank out more research data...

Natural Sciences Week

Dear Students, The University and the College of Natural Sciences are places you call home. But it is a really big home that tens of thousands of people share with you. This is simultaneously a daunting realization and an amazing opportunity. While you're at UT, you have a unique chance to meet and listen to new people, to hear points of view ...

Exams Review

Dear Students, It's still exam time. Some of you have had your first round of tests this semester. For others they will come this week. When the exam grades come out, it is easy to just look up your score and move on. But whether you aced it, bombed it, or ended up somewhere in the middle, you should reflect on what you learned and your learni...

First Exams

Dear Students, It's the time of the semester for the first round of exams. I hope that you see exams as a challenge and an opportunity rather than a hurdle. Faculty give exams to assess how students are learning. That's why we are all here. So approach exams as a learning experience. Better yet, actually work at it. Be systematic. Try differen...

Scholarship and Scholarships

​Dear Students, Two quick messages this week. First, one thing that is great about being part of a University is the opportunity to further a wide array of scholarship. In the College of Natural Sciences it should come as no surprise that we generally focus our scholarly attention on scientific questions in the natural sciences. However, ...

Undergraduate Research Forum

Dear Students, One of the things I enjoy the most about being a scientist is the opportunity to present my results and discuss them with colleagues. In presenting my work, I not only get to share what I have learned but I get new ideas and inspiration from questions. I also realize the challenges of presenting ideas that I think about all the ...

Let's shake on it

Dear Students, The search is on, and it starts with Handshake. Whether you are graduating this semester or looking for a summer internship, there are over 100,000 employers, including 95% of Fortune 500 companies, utilizing Handshake for jobs and internships in diverse industries. This is an online platform to connect you with a wide array of ...

Not Dead Yet

Dear Students, I have only two quick items to pass on for finals week: 1. First, a quote from Monty Python: "I'm not dead yet!" There are classes today. Don't forget we have an extra Monday this year (and hence forth each fall). Tuesday we can start "dead days." 2. This week, final exams start. Even our "graduates" need to finish thi...

Last Week, Almost

Dear Students, It is the last week of classes for the fall! Except that we actually have class next Monday as well. But I'm sure you all enjoyed your Wednesday off last week so much that no one will complain about one more day of class. I hope that everyone was revitalized by a few days off for Thanksgiving and that you used the time to enjoy ...