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  • Membership

  • Spring 2023

    • Course & Curriculum Committee meetings will be scheduled in Spring 2023 for all course inventory changes.

    • Course & Curriculum Committee meetings will be scheduled in Spring 2023 for all legislative changes to the 2024-26 catalog.

  •  Voting Procedures

    • Voting members consist of department and program representatives.
    • A quorum of 60% of the voting members must be present for a vote to be valid.
    • A majority of the voting members must vote yes for a proposal to pass.
    • The majority is rounded up in years when there is an odd number of voting members.
    • Proxies are permitted if voting members cannot be present and have already reviewed the proposals.





The following legislation is being put forward for general faculty review.  Send comments for the C&C committee to ANNEKE.CHY@austin.utexas.edu.



Legislation acted upon by the C&C Committee and approved by the University for Active catalogs






course inventory Change proposal Requirements


  • Course Inventory Form- add/delete/change a course (Example)
  • Additional Information for Additions to the Course Inventory (Form)
  • See below for permitted changes to the course inventory during the spring and fall access periods.

Core courses and Flags proposals


Curriculum (Degree) Change Proposal requirements


 Curriculum (Certificate) Change Proposal requirements


The Department Faculty Committee for a certificate and a minor must have a minimum of five members, and at least two thirds of the committee must be tenured or tenure-track.

Deleting a Degree Program, Minor, or Certificate


 Departmental Degree Audit Memo


Helpful websites


 If you need any assistance or have questions about the planning process, please contact Kim Love.

Course inventory access periods


 Spring Access Period to the Online Course Inventory Change Form: February 1 - February 28

  • During the Spring Access Period, only the following changes to the following course attributes may be submitted:
    • Restrictive statements
    • Subject-matter descriptions (maybe)
    • RwOC (Relationships w/ Other Courses (formerly Degree plan statement)
    • Prerequisite statements
    • Addition of new numbered topics
  • Please note that changes approved during this period will be reflected in the following Spring Course Schedule (ie: changes made in Spring 2020 will take effect in Spring 2021).


Fall Access Period to Online Course Inventory Change Form: June 20-August 20

  • During the Fall Access Period, the following changes to course attributes may be submitted, in addition to those listed above:
    • Establishing a new course number
    • Adding, dropping, or reinstating a course
    • Changing the value in semester-hours
    • Changing the number or type of contact hours
  • Please note that changes approved during this period will be reflected in the  following Fall Course Schedule (ie: changes made Fall 2019 will take effect Fall 2020).
  • All course inventory proposals must be presented during or prior to the last Course and Curriculum committee meeting.
  • All approved course inventory changes must be submitted electronically to the Dean's Office by august 15th, 2023.


Proposed Changes to the Course Inventory can be seen on the agenda pages here and on the C&C Wiki.