CNS internal funding programs
SRI administers multiple internal grants and award programs that support researchers:
- Catalyst Grant Program - Seed funding for interdisciplinary research collaborations
- Spark Grants Program - Funding for Associate Professors to explore new research questions or approaches
- TXBio Grants Program - Funding for the development of new biologic therapies
- Stengl-Wyer Endowment Programs - Research grants, graduate fellowships, and postdoctoral scholar awards for research in the broad field of biodiversity
Download the current calendar for internal grants here.
explore the ovpr's "find funding" webpage
The Office of the Vice President for Research, Scholarship and Creative Endeavors (OVPR) offers several resources for locating a funding opportunity right for you. Visit the VPR's "Find Funding" webpage for information about limited submission programs, open-call opportunities, OVPR-administered grants, and other resources.
Search the PIVOT Funding Database
UT-Austin has an institutional subscription to Pivot, an online funding opportunity database. As part of this institutional subscription, anyone (faculty, staff, student or postdoc) can create a Pivot profile using their UT email address. Pivot uses the most comprehensive, editorially maintained database of funding opportunities, allowing you to search for federal and private funding all in one place.
external funding information for students and postdoctoral scholars
- Funding Opportunities for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars
- Research Funding Opportunities for Undergraduates