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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Supersonic Sharpshooter

Mark Raizen and his research group can now stop over 85 percent of the atoms in the periodic table and many molecules. That means big-named, important elements can now be controlled, and in fact, Raizen has already proven it with molecular oxygen. “Our methods open up whole new avenues of research,” says Raizen, professor of physics. The tool he us...supersonic shooter

Doctors Grown Here

The college has inspired thousands of students to become doctors. The stories of the alumni who enter the health professions—as so many of our alumni do—can be as different from each other as the story of a Google programmer to a chemist at Pfizer. The medical degree is not the sum of who our doctor-alumni are, but as these three stories show, just...Dr. Everett Simmons
Natural Selection May Not Produce the Best Organisms

Natural Selection May Not Produce the Best Organisms

AUSTIN, Texas—Natural selection may favor the fittest organisms around, but it doesn’t always lead to the evolution of the most optimal organisms, says a team of researchers at The University of Texas at Austin. Drs. Matthew Cowperthwaite and Lauren Ancel Meyers led a team that developed a new theory suggesting that traits that are easy to evolve ...

Smart Materials Get Smarter

AUSTIN, Texas—A dynamic way to alter the shape and size of microscopic three-dimensional structures built out of proteins has been developed by biological chemist Jason Shear and his former graduate student Bryan Kaehr at The University of Texas at Austin. Shear and Kaehr fabricated a variety of detailed three-dimensional microstructures, known as...Dr. Jason Shear

Chemists Receive NIH Grant for Cancer Research

AUSTIN, Texas--Chemistry researchers at two Central Texas universities have received a four-year, $1,113,615 grant from the National Institutes of Health to evaluate a new technique that could rapidly predict the anti-cancer activity of new compounds. Lynn Guziec, assistant professor of chemistry at Southwestern University, will collaborate on the...

MSI Gets Funds for New Building

PORT ARANSAS, Texas—The University of Texas Marine Science Institute (UTMSI) will receive $3.5 million from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for construction of a new headquarters building for its Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve. The grant brings the total amount of NOAA funding for the project to $7.7 ...

Open House Opens Oceans

Standing in front of a crowd of about 50 visitors from across the state at The University of Texas Marine Science Institute’s summer Open House, oceanographer and turtle-rescuer Tony Amos' cell phone rang. He answered the call. After a brief conversation, Amos relayed to the expectant crowd that two green sea turtles had been found on the Padre Isl...

Microbiologist Receives Support for Studying Bacterial Communication and Disease

Dr. Marvin Whiteley, assistant professor of molecular genetics and microbiology, recently received a 2008 Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease (PATH) award from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund for his work to understand the interaction between human hosts and infectious bacteria. Whiteley will use the $500,000 PATH award for researc...

Statistically Significant

When Drs. Sheldon Ekland-Olson and Cathy Stacy were putting the finishing touches on the program for the first UT Summer Statistics Institute (SSI), they worried that there wouldn’t be enough students to fill the 18 different classes on topics like multiple regression, hierarchical linear modeling and Bayesian statistics. “We expected 250 people, b...

Gleeson Honored for Teaching Excellence

Austin Gleeson, professor of physics, has been selected to receive the 2008 Jean Holloway Award for Teaching Excellence. The Holloway Award began in 1970, when Jean and Sterling Holloway endowed one of The University of Texas at Austin's first teaching awards to formally establish that students should play a role in the selection of teaching awards...