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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Michael Marder to Receive Massey Award for Excellence in Teacher Education

AUSTIN, Texas – Michael Marder, professor of physics, associate dean for science and mathematics education, and co-director of UTeach in the College of Natural Sciences, has been selected as this year’s recipient of the Elizabeth Shatto Massey Award for Excellence in Teacher Education. The Massey Award recognizes a “teacher of teachers,” one who in...

Blast from the Past: J.T. Patterson

Professor Emeritus of Zoology John T. Patterson (1878-1960) in the lab. Photo (date taken unknown) appeared in The Daily Texan Nov. 21, 1950. Courtesy of the Center for American History. Back in the days when John T. Patterson was rambling around in the Hill Country west of Austin hunting for pregnant armadillos, he often encountered “hill people”...jt patterson

Life on the Outside: J. Craig Wheeler

J. Craig Wheeler Professor of AstronomyNovelist and Movie Star Astrophysics professor J. Craig Wheeler was daydreaming when the idea for his novel, The Krone Experiment, came upon him. “I was an assistant professor at Harvard, and I was at one of the colloquia they held at the old library,” says Wheeler. “The idea just hit me. I don’t even rememb...craig wheeler

Plane Perfect

When Kathy Gore got her degree from the college in 1976 in textiles, clothing and fashion design, she had no grand vision of creating the interiors of airplanes for kings and billionaires. She first worked as the manager of a clothing store, before briefly doing residential interior design. In 1983, she was hired by the Fairchild Aircraft Company ...Kathy Gore

Advisory Council in Antarctica

In January 2008, Advisory Council members Jim Prentice, Carla Blumberg and Evan Kyba, along with their spouses, partners and friends, boarded the National Geographic Endeavor for a once-in-a-lifetime expedition across the Drake Passage to Antarctica. The sun, quite literally, never really set on their 11-day cruise, which gave them glimpses of snow...expedition

Wildflower Center Promotes Green Landscapes

Lady Bird Johnson considered the environment a reflection of who we are, and a focusing lens for our potential. To better reflect this environmental ethic she and others shared, the university’s Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is collaborating with national partners to develop the first voluntary standards for sustainable landscapes. The Susta...asia roof

UTeach Celebrates Ten Years

Panel members and UTeach graduates Katie Weber, Janice Trinidad and Daniel FitzPatrick UTeach, fast becoming a national model for preparing qualified science, math and computer sciences teachers,celebrated 10 years of success on November 17, 2007. Past graduates, current students, staff, faculty, supporters and friends descended on campus for picn...Panel members and UTeach graduates Katie Weber, Janice Trinidad and Daniel FitzPatrick

Postcard: Hedy Edmonds at the Gakkel Ridge

My graduate student, Lucia Upchurch, and I are standing on the ice above the Gakkel Ridge, which spans deep below us at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean. We are here as part of a multi-institution, 40-day expedition to explore the ridge and ocean floor with two robotic autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). Our research vessel, an icebreaker named ...upchurch

Chemistry of Self-Repair

In the first of these scanning electron microscope images, you see an arroyo-like crack running from top to bottom in one of Bielawski’s materials. The physical gap disrupts electrical conductivity from one side to the other because it is difficult for electrons to hop across. Heating the material causes the material to convert to a liquid state w...In the first of these scanning electron microscope images, you see an arroyo-like crack running from top to bottom in one of Bielawski’s materials. The physical gap disrupts electrical conductivity from one side to the other because it is difficult for electrons to hop across.

Genes of Attraction

This array shows 306 genes in female swordtails turning on (red), turning off (green) or not changing (black). When females were with attractive males, many of their genes turned off (first column, green). The same genes were turned on when females were with other females (second column, red). The third and fourth columns show gene activity when fe...This array shows 306 genes in female swordtails turning on (red), turning off (green) or not changing (black). When females were with attractive males, many of their genes turned off (first column, green). The same genes were turned on when females were with other females (second column, red). The third and forth columns show gene activity when females were swimming with unattractive males or alone, respectively.