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From the College of Natural Sciences
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What Not To Wear ... to the Career Expo

What Not To Wear ... to the Career Expo

A crack production crew from the Career Design Center breaks down What Not To Wear to the Career Expo.

Dr. Skip Porter Becomes Acting Director of the University of Texas Marine Science Institute

Dr. Skip Porter Becomes Acting Director of the University of Texas Marine Science Institute

He takes the helm from Lee Fuiman, who has served as director and chair since 2004, as he returns to his position as professor of marine science.


Making Every Raindrop Count

Ecologist Mark Simmons talks about adapting to the drought.
10 Natural Sciences Faculty Receive 2011 Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Awards

10 Natural Sciences Faculty Receive 2011 Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Awards

The awards are given to faculty members at UT System academic institutions who demonstrate extraordinary classroom performance and innovation at the undergraduate level.
Middle-Aged Mothers and Fathers Only As Happy As Their Least Happy Grown Child, Research Shows

Middle-Aged Mothers and Fathers Only As Happy As Their Least Happy Grown Child, Research Shows

Parents’ emotional well-being and life satisfaction remain linked to their children’s successes and problems — particularly their least-happy offspring.

Lawn of Native Grasses Beats Traditional Lawn for Lushness and Weed Resistance

Lawn of Native Grasses Beats Traditional Lawn for Lushness and Weed Resistance

A lawn of regionally native grasses would take less resources to maintain while providing as lush a carpet as a common turfgrass.

Linking the Classroom More Tightly to a Realistic Career

Op-ed highlights how the IE program is helping natural sciences students to find their calling.

Ecologists Discuss World’s Problems in Austin

Climate change expert Camille Parmesan talks to KUT about the state of the planet.

9 out of 10 preschoolers' lunches reach unsafe temperatures

Nutritional Sciences' graduate student Fawaz Almansour featured on the NBC Today Show.

Frogs’ Songs Attract Females, and Predators

Male túngara frogs gather in shallow pools of water at night and let out long mating calls. Females visit these pools, listen to a few calls and then quickly pick mates. It’s a bit like speed dating. Read the full article, "Frogs’ Songs Attract Females, and Predators," at the New York Times.