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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Tagged by Fukushima

Tagged by Fukushima

Before beginning my usual irreverence, let me just say that one of the great stories of modern bravery was that of the workers who stayed on at Fukushima nuclear power plant, isolated, surrounded by death, and did their jobs.

Bringing Home the Bacon. And Cooking It.

Bringing Home the Bacon. And Cooking It.

A number of heories attempt to explain why married women tend to do more housework than their husbands (note: none of them are called the “Men Are Lazy Theory”).

Large Facility For Growing Algae for Biofuels Opens

Large Facility For Growing Algae for Biofuels Opens

Algae has gained significant attention as a feedstock for biofuels and as an alternative to other petroleum-based products because of its potential for high yields, high productivity and scalability.

Dean Laude: The College in Fall 2011

Dean Laude: The College in Fall 2011

The interim dean on where the college stands today and where it is headed in the future, with a focus on increasing entrepreneurship and recruiting more top faculty.

How to Avoid Back-To-School Stomach Bugs

Nutrition researcher Sara Sweitzer talks about how to pack your kids' lunch to keep the bacteria away.
Undergrads to Get Entrepreneurship Training

Undergrads to Get Entrepreneurship Training

Program will train students to market their ideas and start their own companies.

Cécile DeWitt-Morette Named Officer in French Legion of Honor

Cécile DeWitt-Morette Named Officer in French Legion of Honor

Physicist Cécile DeWitt-Morette has been promoted to the rank of Officer in the French Legion of Honor.

UT to Research How Oil Spills Disperse in Gulf

The nearly $7 million grant will help the MSI investigate how oil disperses and affects the Gulf's ecology.

University of Texas at Austin Among the Most Efficient Universities in the Nation

The report examines data from 120 public universities including graduation rates, the amount of money received from tuition and taxpayer funds, and the number of professors on faculty.

One Giant Laser

One Giant Laser

The Texas Petawatt Project uses the most powerful laser in the world to create states of matter like those that exist only in exotic reaches of the universe.