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From the College of Natural Sciences
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The Finish Line’s in Sight

​This Week's Messenger:Dr. Anneke ChyDear students, You've made it through classes, perhaps the first of your finals and a big chunk of this extraordinary academic year. My messages this week are for those with finals happening now—including those of you graduating. For everyone with finals: Neuroscientist Dr. Michael Mauk has offered tips for st...

What are you doing next?

​This Week's Messenger:Dr. Ruth FranksDear Students, First a special message for our graduating seniors: Congratulations to the CNS Class of 2021! Every year, we ask graduating seniors to report their plans after graduation and share their experiences while in CNS using the College of Natural Sciences Graduation Survey. This year, it has special s...

Finish Strong

This Week's Messenger: Dr. Michael DrewDear Students, Here we are, just a few weeks from the end of a challenging academic year, and you are so close to the finish line! To finish the semester strong and end on a high note, remember: Register for summer and/or fall – if you haven't yet met with your advisor, selected your courses and regis...