The federal government needs to make breast cancer prevention a priority and place funding for prevention at the same level as other types of research, says a new sweeping report.
Transmission rates through extra-couple relationships are much higher than previous estimates indicate.
Researchers cut and pasted a series of HIV-resistant genes into T cells, specialized immune cells targeted by the virus.
Social isolation during a key period of adolescence increases vulnerability to addiction as well as the difficulty of extinguishing it.
Scientists discover the clearest mechanistic link yet between folic acid and birth defects, which helps explain why folic acid dietary supplements don't prevent all neural tube defects.
61 new strains of genetically engineered bacteria may improve the efficacy of vaccines for diseases such as flu, pertussis, cholera and HPV.
The detailed changes in the structure of a virus as it infects an E. coli bacterium have been observed for the first time.