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From the College of Natural Sciences
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The #1 Pressing Item for Any To-Do List

The #1 Pressing Item for Any To-Do List

Dear Students,

I had the opportunity to speak to some of the CNS student leaders at a lunch last month, and I asked them what they thought all students need to know. Overwhelmingly, they stressed the importance of mental and physical wellbeing. As we enter the homestretch of the semester, they urged all students to make sure they are taking care of themselves. Sometimes this falls way down on the to-do list. Here were some of their suggestions for making wellbeing something you tackle before anything else:

  • Attend De-Stress CNS on Thursday, December 5th, 11am–1:30pm in the Gearing Courtyard.
  • Take 15 minutes to recenter. Try listening to a guided mindfulness exercise. The Thrive at UT app has some, and Insight Timer has several for anxiety, stress, and sleep.
  • Visit the Mind-Body Lab.
  • Add a wellbeing piece to your student org meetings, like the Texas Pre-Dental Society does!
  • Check in on a friend.
  • Eat — don't skip eating, and feed your mind nutritious foods.
  • Sleep – the returns on skipping sleep to study don't pay off on tests. Period.
Remember your wellbeing is far more important than getting every last to-do item checked off. I know we live in a world that doesn't seem to embrace that idea, but please believe me that you matter to us more than your achievements. Prioritize your wellness and let the rest build upon that success.

Dr. Vanden Bout

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