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From the College of Natural Sciences
Game Changer: Lauren Ancel Meyers

Game Changer: Lauren Ancel Meyers

Mathematical biologist Lauren Ancel Meyers takes on global pandemics as part of the Longhorn Network's Game Changers series.

Four Faculty Members Named Fellows of American Association for the Advancement of Science

Faculty chosen for their distinguished efforts to advance science and its applications.

Discovery Of Why Influenza B Virus Exclusively Infects  Humans Opens Door For Drugs To Fight Seasonal Epidemics Caused By Virus

Discovery Of Why Influenza B Virus Exclusively Infects Humans Opens Door For Drugs To Fight Seasonal Epidemics Caused By Virus

The three-dimensional structure of a site on an influenza B virus protein that suppresses human defenses to infection has been determined by researchers at Rutgers University and The University of Texas at Austin.

Scientists Afflict Computers with Schizophrenia to Better Understand the Human Brain

Computer networks that can't forget fast enough can show symptoms of a kind of virtual schizophrenia, giving researchers further clues to the inner workings of schizophrenic brains.

Two Assistant Profs Win CAREER Awards from National Science Foundation

Biologist and computer scientist collectively awarded over $1 million for studies on coral evolution and safe computing, respectively.
Evolution Study Funded for $25 Million by National Science Foundation

Evolution Study Funded for $25 Million by National Science Foundation

The University of Texas at Austin is part of $25 million, multi-university center established by the National Science Foundation that will study evolution in action in natural and virtual settings.

Brain's Center for Perceiving 3-D Motion Is Identified

Brain's Center for Perceiving 3-D Motion Is Identified

AUSTIN, Texas — Ducking a punch or a thrown spear calls for the power of the human brain to process 3-D motion, and to perceive an object (whether it's offensive or not) moving in three dimensions is critical to survival. It also leads to a lot of fun at 3-D movies. Neuroscientists have now pinpointed where and how the brain processes 3-D motion u...

New Method for Computing Evolutionary Trees

Detailed, accurate evolutionary trees that reveal the relatedness of living things can now be determined much faster and for thousands of species with a new computing method.

Natural Selection May Not Produce the Best Organisms

Natural Selection May Not Produce the Best Organisms

AUSTIN, Texas—Natural selection may favor the fittest organisms around, but it doesn’t always lead to the evolution of the most optimal organisms, says a team of researchers at The University of Texas at Austin. Drs. Matthew Cowperthwaite and Lauren Ancel Meyers led a team that developed a new theory suggesting that traits that are easy to evolve ...
Monitoring Texas Bays For Dangerous Algal Blooms

Monitoring Texas Bays For Dangerous Algal Blooms

PORT ARANSAS, Texas—A new electronic sentinel is on the lookout for dangerous algal blooms in Texas bays. The new instrument, called the Imaging FlowCytobot, automatically takes images of and classifies species of phytoplankton in real-time. It heralds the development of a warning system for the presence of harmful algae, like those that cause red...