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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Too Many Sisters Affect Male Sexuality

AUSTIN, Texas--Growing up with lots of sisters makes a man less sexy. For rats, anyway. A new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, finds that the sex ratio of a male rat’s family when he’s growing up influences both his own sexual behavior and how female rats respond to him. David Crews...

People Learn New Information More Effectively When Brain Activity is Consistent, Research Shows

People are more likely to remember specific information such as faces or words if the pattern of activity in their brain is similar each time they study that information, according to new research from a neurobiologist.

Adolescent Brains Biologically Wired to Engage in Risky Behavior, Study Finds

There are biological motivations behind the stereotypically poor decisions and risky behavior associated with adolescence, new research from a neurobiologist reveals.


Biologist Searches for the Genetic Building Blocks of Social Behavior Across Species

For Hans Hofmann, the quest for the genetic building blocks of human behavior begins with a small fish.

Bat Love Songs Decoded

Bat Love Songs Decoded

It might not sound like crooners singing about love on the radio, but bats sing love songs to each other too, say researchers at The University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M University who are believed to be the first to decode the mysterious sounds made by the winged creatures.

Brain's Center for Perceiving 3-D Motion Is Identified

Brain's Center for Perceiving 3-D Motion Is Identified

AUSTIN, Texas — Ducking a punch or a thrown spear calls for the power of the human brain to process 3-D motion, and to perceive an object (whether it's offensive or not) moving in three dimensions is critical to survival. It also leads to a lot of fun at 3-D movies. Neuroscientists have now pinpointed where and how the brain processes 3-D motion u...

When She's Turned On, Some Of Her Genes Turn Off

AUSTIN, Texas—When a female is attracted to a male, entire suites of genes in her brain turn on and off, show biologists from The University of Texas at Austin studying swordtail fish. Molly Cummings and Hans Hofmann found that some genes were turned on when females found a male attractive, but a larger number of genes were turned off. “When fema...

Evolution of complex calls and unusual male vocal cords in túngara frogs

AUSTIN, Texas--Male tropical túngara frogs have evolved masses on their vocal cords that help them woo females with complex calls, show scientists working at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) in Panama. Dr. Mike Ryan, Clark Hubbs Regents Professor of integrative biology at The University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Marcos Gridi-Papp, ...