Benjamin Walther analyzes the "earstones" of fish to learn where they've been, and where climate change may take them.
such decline in the waters of the Texas Gulf.
There’s a problem for scientists trying to understand why populations of southern flounder have been in“They live underwater,” says Benjamin Walther, assistant professor of marine science in the College of Natural Sciences. “We can’t just follow them from birth to death. You can tag a fish with acoustic or satellite tags when it’s an adult, but typically the young are too small and fragile. So you’re missing that whole big piece of the story. And without that there are a lot of very important ecological questions we can’t answer. That’s where otolith chemistry comes in.”
By chemically decoding the information embedded in the otoliths—“earstones”—of the southern flounder, Walther is able to discover information, about the secret lives of fish, that would otherwise remain beneath our view.
All vertebrate animals have calcium carbonate crystals in their inner ears that help in balance and orientation. In fish, the crystals form solid rock-like otoliths that happen to grow in a way that scientists like Walther can exploit. They continue to grow throughout the fish’s lifetime. They do so in layers, like tree rings, and therefore provide time-separated information. And certain elements and isotopes are incorporated into those layers that reflect the composition of the water the fish was living in.
“The otolith is like a flight data recorder,” says Walther. “It’s continually recording information from the environment, and we can use that to learn where a fish has been.”
Fisheries scientists have been using the layers in the otoliths for more than a century to gauge how old fish are and how fast they’ve grown (a layer grows faster if the fish is growing faster). In the last few decades, however, new analytical tools have enabled scientists to extract far more information from them.
By analyzing the ratio of barium to calcium in the layers of the flounders’ otoliths, which varies predictably according to salinity, Walther has learned that there is far more variation than was thought. Some individuals follow the stereotypical pattern. Some go into fresh water a lot, throughout their life cycles. About 40 percent never go into fresh water at all.
This variability is important ecologically for a few reasons. It may mean that the southern flounder is more resilient than it would be if it had only one migratory pattern.
“We call it the portfolio effect,” says Walther. “You spread your risk at a population level across different strategies, so if situations change at least a certain segment of your population may remain viable.”
Another reason such variability is meaningful is that, in understanding it, environmentalists and regulators can be more effective in targeting interventions.
“If you want to do spatially explicit management,” Walther says, “you would like to know things like how productive is a given micro-habitat. How connected is it to neighboring habitats? If an area is both productive and connected, if it not only is going to sustain itself but might also provide fish for a neighboring area, then that’s an area you would want to prioritize in terms of protection.”
The larger lesson, for Walther, is that there can be incredible power not just in creating general models of species behavior, but in understanding the ways that individual behavior deviates from that model.
“You want to understand the mean, but also the variation around the mean. I think that has been my guiding principle as a scientist, to characterize the variation.”