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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Kopp's Weekly - Town Hall on the BSA Degree Proposal‏

Kopp's Weekly - Town Hall on the BSA Degree Proposal‏

The college is exploring a new interdisciplinary degree plan called the Bachelors of Science and Arts.

Dear students,

It is soon that time of year to register for next year's classes. This was always an exciting thing for me in college — kind of like going to the store to buy shiny new school supplies. In my day, registration happened in person by filling out 3x5 cards. Priority was given by standing in line, first come first served. My friends and I often camped out over night on the Quad to get the really desirable classes. College is in part about exploration, and I wanted to be sure to get my picks. Fortunately, today you all have the internet and you can do this from home.

Speaking of exploration, I hope you can come to the CNS TOWN HALL Monday 3/25 from 5-6pm in WEL 3.502 (Harvey Shell Auditorium) to discuss the new BSA degree plan. FOOD WILL BE SERVED. The college is exploring a new interdisciplinary degree plan called the Bachelors of Science and Arts. The intent of the new degree is to allow you to (a) major in a math/science subject and (b) achieve a minor or certificate of your choosing in another interdisciplinary field. Read more in The Daily Texan. The proposal arose from conversations with students, has been circulated in numerous student interviews on campus, and the conversation continues with you. Come hear more, and advise us on whether this is a good fit for students and on which career paths. If approved, it would be available starting in the 2014-2016 catalog; any student here at UT graduating during that time period (or later) would be able to pursue this new BSA degree (or one of the existing BS degrees).

Dr. Kopp,
Associate Dean
College of Natural Sciences

PS: Recognize a Professor, Adviser, TA, or AI for their excellence. Natural Science Council organizes these entirely student-nominated and student-selected awards for professors, TAs, and AIs for outstanding dedication inside and outside the classroom to students and given to advisers for excellent service in aiding a student throughout their college career. Below are the links to these award nomination forms and more information about each individual award:
Professor Nomination Form: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/F3R735D
Adviser Nomination Form: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Q7H6TQ2
TA/AI Nomination Form: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/L9QSB5F
The awards are due Monday, April 1st by 4pm. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact nsc.aa.chair@gmail.com.

PPS: The 6th Annual Getting on Track Health Symposium is on Saturday, April 6th, 2013 in Welch Hall. The symposium is a conference for students that are interested in a career in the health professions to learn more about taking steps to gain admittance into a health professions school. You will network with students and admissions deans from medical, dental and pharmacy schools across Texas and there will be a raffle of both a Kaplan and Princeton Review full scholarship for their prep courses. Break out sessions include information about post baccalaureate programs, doctor of osteopathic medicine, the application process, recommendation letters, mock interviews and student panels. Registration is free and open to all UT undergraduates: http://tinyurl.com/utsymposiumsignup. The event is hosted by the Black Health Professions Organization.

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