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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Game On

Game On

Dear Students, 

In case you hadn't noticed, classes are done for the semester and all that stands between you and summer are finals. I have three messages for you this week: 

To everyone: Please don't forget to sleep. Sleep is vital to recalling information, so if you prioritize stuffing information in but don't sleep, it doesn't do a lot of good. 

To continuing students: Good luck with finals. You have all the skills you need to knock it out of the park, and when you start doubting yourself, listen to some motivating music, go for a walk, take a deep breath, and then get back to it. Oh, and have a wonderful summer. Be sure to keep in touch and we'll see you in the fall. 

To graduating students: I can imagine this round of finals is bittersweet. UT's motto is What starts here changes the world. And while we do great research, I'm convinced the biggest impact we have is you – the students who graduate from UT and go out into the world and make immeasurable impact. You will go on to do amazing things on small and big scales, and I can't wait to hear about every single one of them – don't forgot to keep me updated

Oh, and if I mispronounce your name at Commencement, you have my permission to call me "Dr. Vander Boot" from now on. 

Game on, everyone. 

Dr. Vanden Bout

Joke: How do you tell the difference between a plumber and a chemist? Ask them to pronounce unionized.

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