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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Finals Week

Finals Week

​Dear Students, 

Classes are done. All that is left in the semester is finals. 

If you find yourself thinking, "I'll start studying right after re-watching season 5 of Game of Thrones," think again. I know it has been a long year, but don't drop your good study habits here right at the finish line. What should you do? 

Press on. You can always make progress. You may feel like there is too much to review and not enough time. You can always make good use of the time that you have. Don't waste it worrying. Use it studying. 

Sleep. You may think staying up all night studying is the best way to learn a semester's worth of subject matter, but your mind and body think otherwise. Get some rest. It is good for learning. 

For those of you who are graduating: You have to pass your classes. Don't forget that critical step. Also, you can now complete the Graduation Survey, which was sent to you in an earlier email. It is vital that everyone graduating this semester complete it! Once it's finished you can reward yourself with Cornucopia Popcorn treats by showing Career Services staff the email you received upon completing the survey. They will be handing out popcorn for students who have completed the survey, in Welch on Monday, May 9 from 1-5pm and again on Tuesday, May 10 from 11am-3pm. 

Work hard. Get some sleep. Ace your finals. 


-Dr. Vanden Bout

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