Former Associate Dean Sacha Kopp's weekly posts for students.
Don't forget to check out the College of Natural Sciences Externship Program — opportunities await.
There are numerous ways to get involved in the college as a student leader.
(That's a Beatles song for those of you under 50.)
There are many aspects to consider when deciding on graduate studies.
"As Dumbledore advises Harry Potter in the movie The Sorcerer's Stone, 'It is the choices we make, Harry, that show who we truly are, far more than our abilities.' "
Stay connected through events and make "the" college into "your" college.
The way you communicate and criticize others can speak to your character.
Always remember to find a way to give yourself time to de-stress from your week.
Never underestimate the power of getting to know your instructors.
Opportunities abound in the College of Natural Sciences. From tutoring services to student organizations to career fairs, the college has something for everyone. Be sure to explore your options and find a place to make our community into your community.