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From the College of Natural Sciences
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Biologist Lawrence Gilbert Named 2012 Distinguished Texas Scientist by Texas Academy of Science

Biologist Lawrence Gilbert Named 2012 Distinguished Texas Scientist by Texas Academy of Science

Gilbert recognized for his lifetime of research on the co-evolution of insects and plants, population dynamics, chemical and behavioral ecology, and evolution of novel wing patterns in butterflies.

Man’s Best Frenemy

Man’s Best Frenemy

Forget the bird flu. There may be an even more harmful virus hiding right inside man's best friend.

Beer Goggles: They're For Real

Imagine a world where videos combining science, beer, and relationships were popular on the Internet.

Five Natural Sciences Faculty Receive Sloan Fellowships

The fellowships are given to early-career scientists and scholars whose achievements and potential identify them as rising stars, the next generation of scientific leaders.


Power Profiles to Help Electronics Go Green

New research could lower the energy costs of electronic devices.

Microscopy Explores Small Changes in Nanowires

Study shows change in a single atom can affect nanowire performance.

UT Prof Pioneers ‘Intersections of the Future’

Professor Peter Stone has created an autonomous intersection management system that could pave the way for self-driven cars. Read and listen on KUT.org.
How College Students Drink

How College Students Drink

When considering college students and their drinking patterns through college, not everyone is the same, says Dr. Kim Fromme, Professor of Clinical Psychology and member of the Waggoner Center for Alcohol and Addiction Research.

Dread Reckoning

H5N1 bird flu may be less deadly to humans than previously thought--or not. Bob Krug weighs in at the Scientific American.
DNA-Targeting Molecule Has Potential to Help Treat Genetic Diseases and HIV

DNA-Targeting Molecule Has Potential to Help Treat Genetic Diseases and HIV

The molecule is an important step along the path to someday creating drugs that can go after rogue DNA directly.