Jonathan Y ChenProfessor, Renewable Fiber and Composite Laboratory Coordinator, Professor |
Jaimie N DavisActing Director, School of Human Ecology, Professor Julian C. Barton Professorship in Nutrition (Holder) |
Caroline E FarriorAssociate Professor Theoretical and empirical plant ecology; Role of plant communities in the global carbon cycle |
Andrea C GoreProfessor Mildred Hajek Vacek and John Roman Vacek Chair in Pharmacology, in Honor of Professor C. C. Albers (Holder) | Mildred Hajek Vacek and John Roman Vacek Distinguished University Chair in Pharmacology, in Honor of Professor C. C. Albers (Holder) Mechanisms by which the brain controls reproductive development and aging; endocrine disruptors & the brain |
Timothy H KeittProfessor, Affiliated Faculty, Oden Institute Theoretical and computational ecology, landscapes and conservation |
Amanda KoltzAssistant Professor Billy Carr Distinguished Teaching Fellowship (Holder) |
Mark LeverAssociate Professor Biogeochemistry, microbial ecology, geobiology, natural and anthropogenic controls on the carbon cycle in sediment |
Yi LuProfessor Richard J. V. Johnson - Welch Regents Chair in Chemistry (Holder) |
Robert PlowesResearch Scientist Host-parasite-microbe interactions, invasive species |
Hang RenAssistant Professor Electrochemistry, Analytical Chemistry |
Michael RoseAssociate Professor, Director, Organized Research Unit Synthetic Bio-Inorganic Chemistry, Solar Fuels Energy Conversion, Heavy Main Group |
Ann ThijsAssistant Professor of Instruction Interdisciplinary scientist with a passion for undergraduate education |
Guihua YuProfessor Temple Foundation Endowed Professorship No. 2 (Holder) |