(c) Ansgar Walk
(c) Destin Bradwell
(c) Vano Shlamov/Stringer
Christina Balentine (Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior Graduate Program)
“Super Humankind: How humans have adapted to thrive all over the world”
Superheroes like Wonder Woman, Spiderman, and the X-Men spark the imagination: what if we could have super powers like these heroes? In fact, humans all over the world do have certain super powers! Thanks to genetic adaptation by natural selection and through cultural innovations, humans thrive in seemingly intolerable environments: at extremely high altitudes in the Himalayas; the freezing cold Arctic; and in toxic, arsenic-rich regions. In this presentation, we will explore these and other super human abilities, and see that humans really do have super powers!
Science Under the Stars has gone virtual! This semester all SUTS activities will be online, but they encourage you to participate outdoors under the stars in your backyard! (If wifi allows for it, of course.)
Here’s the schedule for this month’s event: