A Sweat Bee native to Texas covered in pollen. Credit: Alejandro Santillana, Insects Unlocked
A Miconia affinis plant being visited by a stingless Trigona muzoensis bee in Panama. Credit: Megan O’Connell
Megan O’Connell collecting fruits from a Miconia affinis tree in Panama. Credit: Leonardo Simmons
Megan O’Connell (Plant Biology Graduate Program)
"Bees go grocery shopping"
How to Think, Dance, and Grocery Shop Like a Bee! We humans depend on bees for a lot more than we realize, but the bees need our help! Around the world bees are struggling to survive and now it is up to us to save them. One place to start is to understand which bees live around us (spoiler alert: it’s not just honey bees!), how they think, and what they like to eat. We’ll share all the interesting ways scientists gather this information, what we know so far, and most importantly, what you can do to help!
Science Under the Stars is a free, monthly public outreach lecture series founded and organized by graduate students in the Department of Integrative Biology at The University of Texas at Austin. Events are held outdoors at Brackenridge Field Laboratory, 2907 Lake Austin Blvd, Austin, Texas 78703. In the case of inclement weather, lectures are held indoors.
Here’s the schedule for this month’s event: