Raymond J Mooney Professor Professorship in Computer Sciences #3 (Holder) Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Natural Computation |
J S Moore II Professor Emeritus Admiral B. R. Inman Centennial Chair in Computing Theory (Emeritus) Formal Methods, Security |
Alexa Morales Graduate Student Fellow NSF Fellow. Galaxy formation and evolution during the Epoch of Reionization |
Nancy A Moran Professor Warren J. and Viola Mae Raymer Chair (Holder) | Lisa and David Genecov Family Professorship in Plan II Biology (Fellow) Insect and bacterial genomics and evolution, Symbiosis |
Elizabeth L Morgan Director for CNS Student Life, Recruitment & Special Programs, Assistant Professor of Instruction |
Colin R Morrison Postdoctoral Fellow herbivory, plant-insect interactions, community ecology, chemical ecology, biological invasions |
Philip J Morrison Professor, Affiliated Faculty, Oden Institute Texas Atomic Energy Research Foundation Professorship (Holder) Basic nonlinear plasma dynamics; Hamiltonian dynamics of few and infinite degree-of-freedom systems; fluid mechanics Research Interests |
Katherine Motovilov FA24 TA-NEU 335 Dobbs (NEU), University Affiliate - Research Affiliate INS Graduate Student - Melamed Lab |
Peter Mueller (Müller) Professor, Affiliated Faculty, Oden Institute Bayesian Statistics, Nonparametric Bayes, Biostatistics, Computational Statistics |
Somshuvra Mukhopadhyay Associate Professor neurologic diseases, membrane trafficking, infectious diseases, ion homeostasis, drug discovery |
Elizabeth Muñoz Assistant Professor, Research Lab Director (Academic) Dr. Muñoz is not accepting new Ph.D. students. |
Julian B Munoz Assistant Professor Theoretical cosmology; dark matter and the first galaxies; cosmic dawn and reionization; 21-cm, CMB, structure formation |
Timothy A Myers Senior Academic Program Coordinator Helping CNS students access international opportunities. |