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Amber Hardison

Adjunct/Clinical Affiliate

Marine Biogeochemistry


Postal Address

Ph.D., Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William & Mary (2010)
B.Sc., Chemistry, University of Virginia (2003)

Research Interests

Coastal marine ecosystems receive nutrient and organic matter inputs from diverse sources, making these sites of intense and complex biogeochemical cycling. My aim is to understand the dynamic processes influencing carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycling within coastal systems and the impacts of human and climatic processes on these cycles. My research approach combines novel isotopic and organic geochemical techniques in both experimental and field settings to study the sources and fates of C and N in estuarine and marine ecosystems and the role of sediment microbes in processing these nutrients. My research has demonstrated the key buffering role that microbes play, both in terms of C and N retention in microbial biomass and N release through novel processes, such as anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox).

My current research topics include: 1) the pathways of C and N in shallow photic systems, which are dominated by benthic plants such as seagrass, macroalgae, and benthic microgalgae, 2) the environmental controls of anammox and denitrification in marine sediments, 3) the influence of episodic rain and draught events on benthic productivity and N-cycling pathways in the shallow coastal lagoons along the Texas Gulf Coast.

Hardison, A.K., N. McTigue, W.S. Gardner, K.H. Dunton (2017). Arctic shelves as platforms for biogeochemical activity: Nitrogen and carbon transformations in the Chukchi Sea, Alaska. Deep Sea Research II, 144:78-91. doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2017.08.004.

Jones, A.E., B.R. Hodges, J.W. McClelland, A.K. Hardison, and K.B. Moffett (2017).  Residence time-based classification of surface water systems.  Water Resources Research, 53:5567-5584, doi:10.1002/2016WR019928.

Reyna, N., A.K. Hardison, Z. Liu (2017). Influence of major storm events on the quantity and composition of particulate organic matter in a subtropical estuary, Texas. Frontiers in Marine Science 4:43. doi:10.3389/fmars.2017.00043.

McTigue, N.D., W.S. Gardner, K.H. Dunton, and A.K. Hardison (2016). Biotic and abiotic controls on co-occurring denitrification, anammox, and DNRA in shallow Arctic shelf sediments. Nature Communications 7:13145.

Canuel, E.A., and A.K. Hardison (2016). Sources, Ages, and Alteration of Organic Matter in Estuaries. Annual Review of Marine Science 8:409-34.

Hardison, A.K., C. Algar, A. Giblin, J. Rich (2015). Influence of organic carbon and nitrate loading on partitioning between dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) and N2 production. Geochmica et Cosmochimica Acta 164:146-160.

Hardison, A., E.A Canuel, I.C. Anderson, C. Tobias, B. Veuger, and M. Waters. 2013. Microphytobenthos and benthic macroalgae determine sediment organic matter composition in shallow photic sediments. Biogeosciences 10:5571-5588.

Hardison, A., I.C. Anderson, E.A. Canuel, C. Tobias, B. Veuger. 2011. Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in shallow photic systems: Interactions between macroalgae, microalgae, and bacteria. Limnology & Oceanography 56:1489-1503.

Hardison, A., C. Tobias, J. Stanhope, E. Canuel, and I. Anderson. 2011. An experimental apparatus for laboratory and field-based perfusion of sediment pore water with dissolved tracers. Estuaries and Coasts 34:243-255.

White, K., N. Lorenz, T. Potts, W.R. Penney, R. Babcock, A.K. Hardison, E.A. Canuel, and J.A. Hestekin. 2011. Production of Biodiesel Fuel from Tall Oil Fatty Acids via High Temperature Methanol Reaction. Fuel 90:3193-3199.

Hardison, A., E. Canuel, I. Anderson, and B. Veuger. 2010. Fate of macroalgae in benthic systems: Carbon and nitrogen cycling within the microbial community. Marine Ecology Progress Series 414:41-55.

Books & Book Chapters

Canuel, E. and A. Hardison. 2017. Carbon Cycle. William M. White (ed.), Encyclopedia of Geochemistry. Springer, The Netherlands. pp.1-4. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-39193-9_175-1.

Hardison, A. and E. Canuel. 2011. Carbon (organic, cycling). In: J. Reitner, and V. Thiel (eds.), Encyclopedia of Geobiology. Springer, The Netherlands. pp. 230-234.

Anderson, I., K. McGlathery, A. Hardison, and J. Stanhope. 2010. Sources and fates of nitrogen in Virginia coastal bays. In: Kennish, M., Paerl, H. (eds.), Coastal Lagoons: Critical Habitats of Environmental Change. Taylor and Francis. pp. 43-72.

Papers in Preparation

Hardison, A.K., C. Algar, A. Giblin, J. Rich (in preparation). Environmental controls on anoxic nitrogen cycling pathways in marine sediments. For submission to: Geochmica et Cosmochimica Acta.

Hardison, A.K., A. Giblin, J. Rich (in preparation). Anammox in coastal sediments: Linking microbial activity and abundance. For submission to: Limnology & Oceanography.

Hardison, A., J.W. Stanhope, I. Anderson, and K. McGlathery (in preparation). Construction of a nitrogen budget for a temperate coastal lagoon. For submission to: Estuaries and Coasts.

2010-2012 - Brown-Marine Biological Laboratory Partnership Seed Grant

2006-2008 - European Association of Organic Geochemists Shell Award

2006-2009 - EPA STAR Graduate Fellowship

2003-2004 - William J. Hargis, Jr. Fellowship

2003-2006 - VIMS Graduate Fellowship

2002-2003 - David. A. Harrison Undergraduate Research Grant

1999-2003 - Ethyl Corporation Scholarship


Contributed Conference Oral Presentations

Hardison, A.K., C. Algar, A. Giblin, J. Rich. Organic matter and nitrate influence anoxic nitrogen cycling pathways in marine sediments. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) Meeting, November 2013.

Hardison, A.K., C. Algar, A. Giblin, J. Rich. Environmental controls on anoxic nitrogen cycling pathways in marine sediments. Association for the Sciences of Limnology & Oceanography (ASLO) Meeting, February 2013.

Salisbury, S.K., E.A. Canuel, I.C. Anderson, C.R. Tobias, J.W. Stanhope, and A.K. Hardison. Characterization of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) produced by benthic microalgae under different physical regimes. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Meeting, February 2012.

Hardison, A.K., J. Tucker, E. Hopmans, J. Sinninghe Damste, A. Giblin, and J. Rich. Anammox in coastal sediments: Linking microbial activity and abundance. CERF Meeting, November 2011.

Hardison, A., E. Canuel, I. Anderson, C. Tobias, and B. Veuger. Benthic microalgae and bacteria facilitate carbon and nitrogen retention in shallow photic sediments. Goldschmidt Conference, June 2010.

Hardison, A. Seaweeds or microbes: Which controls nutrient cycling in shallow coastal bays? Invited speaker, VIMS Eastern Shore Laboratory Public Seminar, March 2010.

Hardison, A., E. Canuel, I. Anderson, C. Tobias, and B. Veuger. Macroalgal blooms change the sediment microbial community of a shallow coastal lagoon. CERF Meeting, November 2009.

Hardison, A. Isotopic enrichment studies at the molecular level: Compound specific isotope analysis. Presentation for "Stable Isotopes: new technologies, novel elements and approaches" workshop. LTER-All Scientists Meeting, Fall 2009.

Hardison, A., E. Canuel, I. Anderson, and B. Veuger. Tracking carbon and nitrogen flow through the sediment microbial community of a shallow subtidal lagoon. ASLO Meeting, January 2009.

Anderson, I., A. Hardison, E. Canuel, and C. Tobias. Tracking the fate of carbon and nitrogen in a shallow photic coastal lagoon. ASLO Meeting, January 2009.

Hardison, A., B. Veuger, I. Anderson, and E. Canuel. Fate of carbon and nitrogen sequestered by macroalgae in a coastal lagoon. Estuarine Research Federation (ERF) Meeting, Fall 2007.

Hardison, A. Feedbacks on biogeochemical complexity in shallow coastal lagoons. Presentation for "Biogeochemical complexity across LTER sites" workshop. LTER-ASM Meeting, Fall 2006.

Gilhooly, W., A. Kozak, S. Macko, E. Caylor, R. Carney, C. Ruppel, and C. van Dover, Tracing the sources of sulfate and sulfide at hydrocarbon seep sites. American Chemical Society Meeting, Spring 2003.

Contributed Conference Poster Presentations

Dobbs, S., S. Garza, A.K. Hardison, W.S. Gardner. Effects of wind mixing on nutrient dynamics and ammonium processes in a shallow coastal pond. CERF conference, November 2013.

Hardison, A.K., E. Hopmans, A. Giblin, and J. Rich. Dynamics of anoxic nitrogen cycling pathways and anammox-specific biomarkers in an experimental marine sediment system. International Society of Microbial Ecology (ISME) conference, August 2012.

Salisbury, S., E. Canuel, I. Anderson, C. Tobias, J. Stanhope, and A. Hardison. Tracing carbon pool dynamics in shallow coastal sediments using an in situ labeling experiment. CERF Conference, November 2011.

Salisbury, S.K., E.A. Canuel, I.C. Anderson, C.R. Tobias, J.W. Stanhope, and A.K. Hardison. An integrated approach to examining the effects of physical processes on shallow sediment biogeochemistry. ASLO Conference, February 2011.

Hardison, A.K., E.A. Canuel, I.C. Anderson, and B. Veuger. Microbes mediate carbon and nitrogen retention in shallow photic sediments: Isotopic analysis of microbial biomarkers. Gordon Research Conference, Organic Geochemistry, August 2010.

Hardison, A., E. Canuel, I. Anderson, C. Tobias, B. Veuger. Microbes mediate carbon and nitrogen retention in shallow photic sediments. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Meeting, Fall 2009.

Stanhope, J.W., I. Anderson, K. McGlathery, and A. Hardison. Construction of a nitrogen budget for a temperate coastal lagoon. CERF Conference, November 2009.

Hardison, A., E. Canuel, I. Anderson, B. Veuger. Effects of nuisance macroalgae on nutrient cycling within the sediment community. LTER-ASM, September 2009.

Anderson, I., K. McGlathery, A. Hardison, J. Stanhope. Sources and fates of nitrogen in Virginia coastal bays. LTER-ASM, September 2009.

Hardison, A., E. Canuel, I. Anderson, and B. Veuger. Isotopic analysis of microbial biomarkers: Tracking carbon and nitrogen flow through the sediment microbial community. Unknown Knowns & Known Unknowns: Chemical Oceanography in a Changing World, February 2009.

Hardison, A., E. Canuel, I. Anderson, and B. Veuger. Isotopic analysis of microbial biomarkers: Tracking nutrient flow through the sediment microbial community. Gordon Research Conference, Organic Geochemistry, August 2008.

Smith, C., A. Hardison, and I. Anderson. Benthic micro- and macroalgal metabolism in a coastal lagoon. William & Mary Undergraduate Research Symposium, Winter 2008.

Funkey, C., I. Anderson, E. Canuel, and A. Hardison. Measuring the Effects of Decomposition of a Macroalgal Bloom on Sediment Metabolism. Atlantic Estuarine Research Society Meeting, Spring 2007.

Hardison, A. The biogeochemical effects of a nuisance macroalgal crash: A field monitoring & mesocosm approach. EPA Graduate Fellowship Conference, Fall 2006.

Hardison, A., I. Anderson, and E. Canuel. The biogeochemical effects of a nuisance macroalgal crash: A field monitoring and mesocosm approach. LTER-ASM Meeting, Fall 2006.

Hardison, A., I. Anderson, and E. Canuel. Seasonal effects of an ephemeral macroalgal bloom on water quality and sediment characteristics in a shallow coastal lagoon. Gordon Research Conference, Organic Geochemistry, Summer 2006.

Stanhope, J., I. Anderson, A. Hardison, and K. McGlathery. Is the dominant source of nitrogen to a temperate coastal lagoon of allochthonous or autochthonous origin? ERF Meeting, Fall 2005.

Hardison, A., I. Anderson, and E. Canuel. Monitoring the Effects of an Ephemeral Macroalgal Bloom on Water Quality and Sediment Chemistry in a Shallow Coastal Lagoon. Ecological Society of America Meeting, Summer 2005.

Stanhope, J., A. Hardison, I. Anderson, and K. McGlathery, Construction of a Nitrogen Budget for a Temperate Coastal Lagoon. VCR-LTER All Scientist Meeting, Winter 2005.

Kozak, A., I. Anderson, and K. McGlathery, Allochthonous vs. autochthonous sources of nutrients in a coastal lagoon: A monitoring program. ERF Meeting, Fall 2003.

Gilhooly, W., A. Kozak, and S. Macko, The shipboard extraction of interstitial waters for stable sulfur isotope analysis. ACS Meeting, Spring 2003.

Institutional Seminars

Hardison, A.K. Carbon and nitrogen cycling in coastal sediments. Sam Houston State University Department of Biology Seminar Series, September 2013.

Hardison, A.K. Carbon and nitrogen cycling within the sediment microbial community. Brown University Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Seminar Series, December 2010.

Hardison, A. The Influence of Macroalgal Blooms on Nutrient Cycling within Coastal Lagoons. The Netherlands Institute of Ecology Seminar Series, Spring 2007.


BIO 101C, Seminar in Marine Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, Fall 2012, 2013, Guest lecturer

MNS f152S, Principles of Marine Science: Undergraduate Seminar, Department of Marine
Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Port Aransas, Texas, Summer 2013

MNS, s252T, Biological Signals in Estuarine Sediments, Department of Marine Science, The
University of Texas at Austin, Port Aransas, Texas, Summer 2013, co-taught with
Dr. Zhanfei Liu


MNS 482C, Marine Biogeochemistry, Department of Marine Science, The University of Texas
at Austin, Port Aransas, Texas, Spring & Fall 2013, co-taught with Dr. Zhanfei

MSCI 627, Marine Organic Geochemistry, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of
William & Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia, Spring 2010, Guest lecturer

MSCI 501a, Physical Oceanography, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William & Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia, Fall 2009, Teaching Assistant

MSCI 501b, Chemical Oceanography, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William & Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia, Fall 2009, Teaching Assistant

MSCI 501c, Geological Oceanography, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William & Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia, Fall 2009, Teaching Assistant