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Inderjit S Dhillon

Professor, Core Faculty, Oden Institute
Department of Computer Science, Oden Institute

Gottesman Family Centennial Professorship in Computer Sciences (Holder)

Data Mining, Machine Learning, Natural Computation, Artificial Intelligence, Scientific Computing, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology


Phone: 512-471-9725

Office Location
GDC 4.704

Postal Address
AUSTIN, TX 78712

Ph.D., University of Califonia, Berkeley (1997)

Research Interests

My main research interests are in computational linear algebra, data mining and bioinformatics. My emphasis is on exploring core problems in these areas to obtain novel algorithms that preserve the underlying problem structure. Some of the problems I am currently studying include clustering of high-dimensional data, low-dimensional approximations that preserve sparsity and non-negativity, and fast algorithms for eigenvalue problems.

Publications in Progress
1. P. Jain and I. S. Dhillon, Provable Inductive Matrix Completion", CoRR abs/1306.0626, 2013.

2. K. Chiang, C. Hsieh, N. Natarajan, A Tewari, and I. Dhillon, Prediction and Clustering in Signed Networks: A Local to Global Perspective", CoRR abs/1302.5145, Submitted for publication, 2012.

Journal Publications
1. H. F. Yu, C. J. Hsieh, S. Si and I. S. Dhillon, Parallel Matrix Factorization for Recommender Systems", To Appear In Knowledge and Information Systems(KAIS), 2013.

2. U. Singh Blom, N. Natarajan, A Tewari, J. Woods, I. S. Dhillon and E. M. Marcotte, Prediction and Validation of Gene-Disease Associations Using Methods Inspired by Social Network Analyses", PLos ONE 8(5): e58977, May 2013.

3. M. Sustik and I. S. Dhillon, On a Zero-Finding Problem involving the Matrix Exponential", SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications, vol. 33:4, pages 1237{1249, 2012.

  • 2013-2014: ICES Distinguished Research Award, The University of Texas at Austin.
  • 2012: Best Paper Award at the IEEE Int'l Conference on Data Mining for the paper Scalable Coordinate Descent Approaches to Parallel Matrix Factorization for Recommender Systems".
  • 2011: SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize for the journal paper The Metric Nearness Problem". The prize is for the outstanding papers published in SIAM journals during the three years prior to the year of the award."
  • 2010-2011: Moncrief Grand Challenge Award, The University of Texas at Austin.
  • 2011, 2008, 2005, 2002 & 1999: Plenary talks at the XVIII, XVII, XVI, XV and XIV Householder Symposiums on Numerical Linear Algebra (Tahoe City in California, Zeuthen in Germany, Campion in Pennsylvania, Peebles in Scotland & Whistler in Canada).