Peter H Stone
Department of Computer Science
Truchard Foundation Chair in Natural Sciences (Holder) | Distinguished Teaching ProfessorArtificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Natural Computationpstone@cs.utexas.edu
Phone: 512-471-9796
Office Location
GDC 3.508
Postal Address
AUSTIN, TX 78712-
Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University (1998)
M.S., Carnegie Mellon University (1995)
B.S., The University of Chicago (1993)
Research Interests
Dr. Stone's research specialization is in AI. His research falls mainly in the areas of machine learning, autonomous agents and multiagent systems, robotics, and e-commerce.
Selected Publications
Kurt Dresner and Peter Stone. A multiagent approach to autonomous intersection management. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 31:591-656, March 2008.Mohan Sridharan and Peter Stone. Structure Based Color Learning on a Mobile Robot under Changing Illumination. Autonomous Robots, 23(3):161-182, 2007.
Matthew E. Taylor, Peter Stone, and Yaxin Liu. Transfer learning via inter-task mappings for temporal difference learning. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 8(1):2125-2167, 2007.
Shimon Whiteson and Peter Stone. Evolutionary Function Approximation for Reinforcement Learning. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 7:877-917, May 2006.
Peter Stone, Robert E. Schapire, Michael L. Littman, Janos A. Csirik, and David McAllester. Decision-theoretic bidding based on learned density models in simultaneous, interacting auctions. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 19:209-242, September 2003.
Peter Stone. Layered Learning in Multiagent Systems: A Winning Approach to Robotic Soccer. MIT Press, 2000. (monograph)Michael P. Wellman, Amy Greenwald, and Peter Stone. Autonomous Bidding Agents: Strategies and Lessons from the Trading Agent Competition. MIT Press, 2007. (monograph)
Peter Stone. Intelligent Autonomous Robotics: A Robot Soccer Case Study. Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2007. (monograph)
- Elected AAAI Fellow, 2012.
- Elected Board Member, International Machine Learning Society (IMLS), March 2011.
- William David Blunk Memorial Professorship, for undergraduate teaching, 2008-09
- Fulbright Award, 2008-09
- Guggenheim Fellow, 2008-09
- Elected Board Member, International Foundation of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (IFAAMAS), March 2008.
- IJCAI Computers and Thought Award, 2007
- Councilor, American Association of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2005-2008
- Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, 2004-2006
- Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator, 2004-2007
- IBM Faculty Award, 2005, 2004, 2003
- Leader of 11 1st-place teams in the Trading Agent Competition (TAC), 2000-2011
- World Champion team member in 7 RoboCup events: 1997-2011
- National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2003