News: Announcements


Darwin Day Coming Your Way



Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Receives Field Station Designation

The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center has been integral for UT Austin's involvement in life sciences research.

A building with a cafe and plants and visitors at the Wildflower Center

UT News

Three UT Austin Faculty Elected to National Academy of Sciences

Astrophysicist Katherine Freese, astronomer John Kormendy and evolutionary biologist Mark Kirkpatrick of The University of Texas at Austin have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences.

Head shots show three smiling scientists, two men and a woman


Meet the New Faculty Members in Natural Sciences


Seal of the University of Texas at Austin with a burnt orange filter on the image

UT News

Gift to UT Austin Will Advance Programs in Biodiversity and Ecology

A generous estate gift to The University of Texas at Austin from alumna and former physician Lorraine “Casey” Stengl will have a dramatic impact on educational efforts and scientific research examining plants, animals and their interactions with the natural world.

Casey Stengl holds a framed montage of plants and outdoor areas


CNS Welcomes New Faculty As Fall Semester Begins


Seal of the University of Texas at Austin with a burnt orange filter on the image